

Gessner Engineering was founded in 2003 by Johanna and Thomas Gessner. The company started with 12 Team Members located among an office in College Station and a Construction Materials Testing Lab in Brenham. We attribute our survival then and now to the wonderful Team members and clients with whom we have had the good fortune to work. We have had the opportunity to be a part of unique projects which have challenged us and helped us to learn and grow.

In 2015, Jeremy Peters became a partner, having built the civil engineering department, and fostered the start of the surveying department. As our Team continued to grow, we were challenged with the need for definitive values, strategic direction, and our overall purpose. Working toward defining these and roles throughout the firm has led us to the leadership Team we are today. Johanna serves as the Chief Executive officer, Thomas as the Chief Strategy Officer, and Jeremy as the Chief Operations Officer.

In 2023, Hannah Loring and Sarah Korpita joined as partners. Hannah, through her dedicated efforts, plays a crucial role in enhancing the growth and skillsets of our staff within our established Framework and serves as the Vice President of Staff Experience. Sarah Korpita, has been instrumental in driving our business development endeavors for the past five years and serves as the Vice President of Client Experience. These additions to our leadership help us to better develop our Team and in turn, continue to improve the services we provide.

In 2024, Niko Gomes became a partner with Gessner Engineering. Niko has been an integral part of Gessner Engineering’s structural engineering team for many years, demonstrating his expertise and dedication by leading the team through a variety of important projects. In his role as Vice President of Design Integration and Development, Niko is focused on developing the team’s capabilities further and building strong connections with clients to influence positive change and drive success.

Our Leadership Today

Today our partners lead from their own individual strength zones in the following roles: 

How It’s Going

We have established a Leadership Development Program that educates our employees on communication, delegation, and self-awareness in order to continuously improve their leadership skills. Our goal is to grow and maintain a group of individuals capable of leading their teams and growing leaders themselves.